⚠️😃♻️Several factors are keeping the hopes of Notcoin holders alive, including:

$NOT $DOGS $TON 🌏⤴️🪙

1. *Listing hype* 🚀: The excitement and anticipation surrounding the upcoming listing can drive up demand and prices.

2. *Limited supply* 📉: If the token's supply is limited, increased demand can lead to higher prices.

3. *Community support* 🤝: A strong and active community can drive adoption and boost prices.

4. *Partnerships and collaborations* 🤝: Notcoin's partnerships and collaborations can increase its visibility and credibility.

5. *Market trends* 📈: A bullish market can lift Notcoin's price, and some holders believe it can still surge by 50%.

6. *Unrealized potential* 🚀: Holders may believe Notcoin's true value hasn't been realized yet, driving hopes for a significant price increase.

7. *FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)* 😬: Some holders might fear missing out on potential gains if they sell or don't invest more.

Keep in mind that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate rapidly.

These factors don't guarantee a 50% price increase, but they contribute to the hopes and optimism among Notcoin holders.