

In a bank wallet, it was listed a few days ago and its price reached 0.047

Today it went down to many wallets and its price in a bank wallet was 0.015

It was listed at a low price and the currency is currently considered to be down more than 90% from its official price at the beginning of the day

Despite what you see in its rise by 150% or more in Binance only expresses the increase from the time it fell to the wallet, but it is still low in light of its previous official price in the bank

Binance is known for the amount of strong liquidity in it, not to mention the rest of the wallets, despite everything you see, it has not yet taken off even to its official price level at the beginning of the day

I think that the pumping has not started yet, it has not started

And there will be a pumping soon that will have a much higher rise than what you see

Just a personal opinion