2024.8.26 BTC/ETH point attention at night


BTC's resistance area of ​​interest at night is 64200-64500. Because 63000-63500 has been tested twice, no orders are made in this range. The morning analysis is to look for low-long opportunities in this range at night. There has been an opportunity in the evening, so at this moment, focus on whether it falls below or not, and don't rush to make orders for the time being; the 64200-64400 range prompted by the midday trading is short one lot. The difference in the contract point is less than 20 dollars. Those who watch the market may have made a profit, but those who didn't make a profit are not a pity. At least you got the rhythm right. It's very good not to chase long in the morning and short in the evening!

Pay attention to the support strength of the 63000-63500 level in the evening. If it falls below 62300-62500, pay attention to whether there is a pin and a low-long signal of falling and recovering. If a V-reversal occurs in the early morning, you can still go long tomorrow. If it breaks through the 64500 range in the early morning and stands firmly in the 64500 range, you can go long tomorrow!


Support pays attention to the support strength of 2700-2710. Because it has been touched twice during the day, this range is not open. See if it falls below the third time. If it falls below 2670-2665, then fall below 2600!

If you want to make a peeing market order tomorrow morning, see if there is a second exploration trend at five or six o'clock tomorrow morning. If there is, you can set a stop profit and take one hand. If not, wait for the morning analysis!
