Someone said: "The last time the Fed cut interest rates, the price of $BTC pie fell four times.

The most recent interest rate cut occurred in 2019-2022, accompanied by the epidemic.

The two most recent halvings were in 2016 and 2020. The bull market started in 2017 and 2021.

Then 2018-2020 and 2022-2024 were bears.

Note that the 2021 bull market is the epidemic and interest rate cuts at the same time.

What problems will everyone find?

That is, the most recent interest rate cut started at the beginning of the epidemic and ended when the epidemic was basically over.

That is to say, 2019-2020 is an overlap of bears and interest rate cuts, and also an overlap of interest rate cuts, epidemics and big bears. The whole plus plus smashing.

The bull market in 2021 is the overlap of halving, interest rate cuts and the end of the epidemic.

And this time, the bull market from the end of 2024 to 2025 is also the overlap of halving and The interest rate cuts coincide.

So do you understand the difference?

Everyone needs to be clear about time, space, and background. At the same time, you also need to know that the industry is bearish for two years, volatile for one year, and bullish for one year.

If you copy and paste blindly, you will hurt yourself and miss the opportunity given by God.