
According to the latest predictions from Pavel Durov’s lawyer, Durov is expected to be released in two days. The prediction comes amid heightened scrutiny and uncertainty surrounding the situation. The lawyer’s statement has generated considerable interest, particularly among Durov’s supporters and those closely following the case. Pavel Durov, known for his role in founding Telegram and his involvement in various tech and entrepreneurial ventures, has recently found himself at the center of legal and political controversies. The trial is being closely watched, and the possibility of his imminent release has sparked speculation about the implications for both his personal and business interests. The lawyer’s prediction is in line with ongoing discussions about Durov’s situation, but the final outcome still depends on various factors, including legal considerations and political dynamics. Durov’s supporters are hopeful that the prediction will prove accurate, leading to his speedy release. The situation continues to evolve, and we'll look forward to updates as the expected release date approaches.#Durov