A new scandal has erupted in the cryptocurrency industry: the founder of Telegram and the TON blockchain project Pavel Durov has been detained. The details of this incident are still unclear, but this news has caused a wide resonance in the world of cryptocurrencies and technology.

Short-term implications for TON and NOT:

Durov's arrest could have a direct impact on the value of TON cryptocurrencies and related projects such as NOT. Investors worried about possible uncertainty could start a massive sell-off of assets, causing sharp fluctuations in the prices of these cryptocurrencies.

Precedents in the cryptocurrency industry:

Situations like this have happened before. For example, in 2020, BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes was arrested on charges of violating US anti-money laundering laws. Before that, in 2014, Charlie Shrem, an early Bitcoin investor, was convicted of facilitating illegal financial transactions. These arrests caused major changes in the crypto market, and there is a possibility that Durov’s situation could unfold similarly.

Long-term prospects:

If the detention is serious and protracted, it could lead to significant changes in the development of TON and related technologies. Questions about the legal security and sustainability of the project could come to the fore, which in turn will affect the interest of investors and partners.

Impact on the industry as a whole:

The arrest of Pavel Durov may lead to a rethinking of the public and regulators’ perception of cryptocurrencies. This event raises important questions about the dependence of cryptocurrency projects on their founders and key figures. In the long term, it may strengthen the drive for decentralization and autonomy in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

We will monitor the situation and inform you about new details. Stay with us to stay up to date with the most important news in the crypto world.