The Tom project has fallen by about 16% at the time of writing this article!! Being a new project and being the first cryptocurrency with technology launched by Telegram, we saw its increase in these days. After its listing, for some reason it still appears on Lamchpad!! Can someone explain this to me? well the important thing is that they will distribute more than 7,000,000 tokens in 9 days, this would be next Tuesday, giving an important boost to the volume of liquidity inflow in those 24 hours, which will shoot it up, I don't know how much but it is the perfect opportunity to bet on ton now since the price is very cheap and by Tuesday all farmers including me will have generous profits🤑 it could make a small repetition of the pattern similar to what XRP did in 2017. judge, take it or leave it is not investment advice but I just contributed a generous amount of my capital in Ton since I know what is coming, and I invite every cryo expert to tell me otherwise if my words lie ... My best wishes whether you buy Tom directly or support its launch on Launchpad .. see you on Tuesday I hope your gratitude to everyone who listens to me when they get their profits 😇$TON $XRP $NOT