#0🅇8🄾0🄼™ | Pavel Durov, the founder and crypto millionaire from Russia is facing criminal charges in France on several charges against him.
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Some of the charges against Durov include being a kingpin of drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, and some adult content and child abuse on his Telegram platform.
Several French media outlets reported that Durov, who holds triple citizenship of the UAE, France and Russia, could face up to 20 years in prison.
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His arrest was linked to a lack of moderation of adult content on Telegram and his failure to cooperate with French law enforcement.
The allegations stem from a search warrant issued by the French National Directorate of Judicial Police.

Will the news of Durov's arrest have an impact on the price of the TON token which is on the brink?
Stay tuned for the next article on how Durov was evacuated by private jet by someone and how Elon Musk responded to the news of Pavel Durov's arrest on account X.