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Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested today at around 8 p.m., after getting off his private plane at Le Bourget airport near Paris. Durov was accompanied by a woman and a bodyguard. He flew to France from Azerbaijan.
According to TF-1 TV channel, Durov has been placed on the federal wanted list, with a French arrest warrant issued by the National Directorate of Judicial Police after a preliminary investigation. The warrant is only valid while Durov is on French territory.
A gendarmerie investigator commented to TF1/LCI, “Pavel Durov will go to jail, that's for sure!” Sources close to the case allege that Durov has allowed numerous crimes and crimes to take place on Telegram without taking any steps to moderate or cooperate. French authorities suspect him of involvement in “drug trafficking, crimes against children and fraud” due to Telegram’s lack of censorship and legal cooperation.
Durov could be charged with terrorism, money laundering and drug trafficking, TF1 TV channel reported