Odaily Planet Daily News: The documents recently filed in the FTX bankruptcy application detail the objections of the US trustee overseeing the case and a group of creditors to the revised reorganization plan of the bankrupt exchange. The US trustee listed ten defects in the revised reorganization plan. FTX estate said that a large proportion of creditors are in favor of the reorganization plan. Most critically, trustee Andrew R. Vara pointed out that many people involved in the bankruptcy have received broad legal exemptions, creditors have been repaid unequally by size, and the bankruptcy estate management company refused to share the costs related to the data breach suffered by its service provider last year. "Estate professionals have sought millions of dollars in compensation in response to the Kroll data breach... The debtor's estate should not bear this cost. The fee examiner also agrees with this view," Vara wrote in the document. Vara also objected to the unequal treatment of creditors by the size of the claim in the distribution plan. "Here, customers in the 'convenience' tier (119%)...will receive a smaller percentage allocation than other customers (up to 143%) simply because their claims are smaller (generally $50,000 or less). On the effective date, the debtors will have enough cash to pay convenience claimants the same percentage as other customer claims...There is no significant difference in the legal attributes of these customer claims." Vara also made some more technical legal arguments, but the most important may be his opposition to the "overly broad" exemptions provided by the plan to FTX estate managers and consultants, or forgiveness of any wrongdoing. "Such exemptions would far exceed the protections afforded to the employment and compensation of real estate professionals who are approved and supervised by the court in the case (under relevant regulations)," Vara wrote. (The Block) Earlier, FTX Trading Ltd. and its affiliated debtors announced that the revised reorganization plan filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware has received preliminary support from all classes of creditors entitled to vote, including FTX U.S. and FTX Dotcom customer classes. FTX will file its final vote with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware before the confirmation hearing, which is scheduled to begin on October 7, 2024.