Odaily Planet Daily News: In response to the statement by Aya Miyaguchi, executive director of the Ethereum Foundation, that the Foundation has an annual budget of $100 million, Hudson Jameson, a former employee of the Ethereum Foundation, posted on the X platform that the Foundation's annual budget of about $100 million is not crazy. The reason why people find it difficult to understand this number is that the structure and philosophy of the Foundation are not suitable for putting every program they participate in and carry out in one place. Here are some key expenses of the Foundation that may be overlooked: 1. Global trademark protection legal fees to prevent scammers from using the Ethereum name or logo. 2. A large number of servers and development infrastructure used by protocol teams inside and outside the Foundation, such as hard fork testing, startup nodes, fork monitoring tools, and PSE infrastructure for setting up ceremonies. 3. http://ethereum.org (does not operate a website, but provides hosting, URLs, and pays fees to some major coordinators and contributors). 4. Research collaboration, such as the VDF research conducted in collaboration with Filecoin a few years ago. 5. Devcon/DevConnect 6. Grants: The Foundation issues a large number of grants each year, accounting for a large part of the budget. 7. Salary: The salary of at least 200 people in each region of Ethereum.