🚀 Bitcoin Layer 2 Network: A New Chive Garden for Chives?

💰 Current Market: The total locked amount of Bitcoin Layer 2 Network is only 1.5 billion USD, not even a fraction of ETH!

🕵️‍♂️ Chive Observation Diary:

1. Stacks, BOB, Botanix and other projects are vying to be the new lawn mowers for chives

2. DeFi, NFT, smart contracts...everything wants to be moved to Bitcoin, for fear that chives will not take the bait

3. Currently, TVL is only 2% of ETH. Is this to plant chives as chive seedlings?

4. Potential of 300 billion USD? Why do I smell the fragrance of chives...

🎰 Chive Survival Guide:

• Stacks will be upgraded at the end of August. Are chives ready to be "Nakamoto"?

• Botanix will be launched on the main network in September. Have chives figured out how to be "planted"?

• Don't rush All in, first see if you can withdraw unilaterally, so as not to turn leeks into fish on the chopping board

• Remember to set a stop loss, it is better than being liquidated

⚠️ Warning:

Although the second-layer Bitcoin network is fragrant, be careful not to make yourself fried into leek fried rice!

Do you think the second-layer Bitcoin network is a new outlet for leeks or a new leek garden? Tell us about your experience with leeks!


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