🌍 Russia's Crypto Revolution🌍

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🚀 Moscow & St. Petersburg to Launch Crypto Exchanges for Global Trade

🏙️ Serving as hubs for international trade

🌐 Initially limited access, with expansion to major exporters & importers 📈

💸 Stablecoins to Strengthen BRICS Alliance

💪 Yuan-linked stablecoin to reduce reliance on USD

💱 Backed by BRICS nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, & more 🌍

🔗 Russia’s Crypto Pivot Accelerates

⏩ Legalized Bitcoin mining & exploring stablecoins for international payments

💻 Advancing the Russian Ruble CBDC for the future of finance 💰

💡 New era for Russia's economy!

Embracing crypto in response to global challenges. 🇷🇺

#BRICS2024 #China #Russia