Vitalik Buterin broke out!!! Publicly promoted ETH, ETH directly rose by $70! One game reversed the decline!

Vitalik Buterin just tweeted: Someone told him to think less about philosophy and post more bullish pictures of Ethereum! Then he added a bull picture!

ETH directly took off by nearly $100!

CARV is revolutionizing the use and sharing of data in the gaming and AI fields.

CARV's mission is to create a fair and transparent data ecosystem that benefits both business partners and the gaming community: "We believe that in this world, data is a powerful asset that provides value and opportunities for growth, innovation and collaboration."

CARV Play is a cross-platform authentication system and the largest Web3 game distribution and social platform. In the past quarter, its average daily active wallet number exceeded 500,000, making it one of the top three ecosystems in terms of on-chain activity, including Linea, opBNB, zkSync and Ronin, providing 2.5 million players with an enhanced gaming experience of sharing data, building credentials, playing games and earning rewards. About 30% of existing Web3 games have been listed on the platform, from MARBLEX and Shrapnel to Off the Grid, Pixelmon and Pixels.

In terms of incentives, CARV adopts a release model of 25% reduction in 6 months, which will have more advantages in emission, 28% in the first 6 months and 50% in the first year. In addition, CARV also has a unique reserve repurchase contract. Users do not make any reward claims during the period, and can apply for 100% repurchase after 6 months.

The difference of CARV is that it truly gives data ownership and monetization rights to users. Any income generated through user data will be shared with the data creator!

CARV is an important part of web3, and it has the same role as lista and bb in the early stage. Although it has a small effect on the number of BNB, it mainly wins in cultivating loyal players of web3 wallets. These players are the most loyal guards of Binance web3 wallets in the future. Then, as the cornerstone of BSC smart chain, the beneficiary will definitely be BNB!

@CARV #CARV释放数据潜力 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop