Why do we always remember eating but not fighting in trading?

Because we subconsciously only want to remember success, which is our own highlight moment. The pleasure of profit makes us forget the pain of loss. Human nature tends to remember happier things. Just like two people who are divorced, after a long time, they will slowly forget the painful things they experienced together in marriage, but will remember many good times. It's the same reason.

It is also our human nature to avoid pain. Loss makes us very painful, so we subconsciously don't want to think about it, don't want to reflect, and often have the mentality of "next time must be different", just like if you don't do well in the exam, you will think that you will be more serious next time, but if you don't change your learning method, the result may still be unsatisfactory.

So Brother Ming has always emphasized that you should pull out all your past trading records, face the pain, and see why you lose money. At the same time, record every transaction you make in the future, including the trading process, results, and psychological state, just like making a collection of wrong questions, constantly stimulate yourself, reflect, and force corrections. Over time, the feeling of pain will become numb, and you can really start to think about the problem of change.

I’m Brother Ming. I’ve been in the trading market for more than ten years. If you have any questions, please find Brother Ming. You’re welcome to chat with Brother Ming!