This article deeply analyzes a typical phenomenon in the cryptocurrency market - the trap of overconfidence and short-term operations, and conveys valuable investment lessons to readers through the rise and fall of Liang Xi, a "genius trader". The following points are the core essence of the article:

Stability is king: The article begins by emphasizing that for ordinary people, stable investment is crucial in a high-risk market such as cryptocurrency. Liang Xi's story is a warning that even with high talent and initial success, the importance of risk management and long-term strategies should not be ignored.

Charlie Munger's wisdom: Quoting Charlie Munger's famous saying, the article points out that the key to successful investment lies in "standing still" waiting rather than frequent betting. Deterministic opportunities in the market are scarce, and most of the time should be spent on observing, learning and protecting funds.

The trap of "smart people": The article suggests that investors who think they are "smart people" often fall into the misunderstanding of short-sightedness and frequent trading due to overconfidence. They tend to pursue short-term profits, but ignore the uncertainty and long-term value of the market. This mentality and behavior pattern often make them the prey of bookmakers.

The characteristics of successful investors: The article believes that those who can really succeed in the cryptocurrency market are those who seem "silly" but are actually tenacious. They are patient and disciplined, able to stick to long-term strategies and not be shaken by short-term fluctuations.

Hoarding strategy: The article strongly recommends the hoarding strategy, that is, holding mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin for a long time, and insisting on fixed investment and adding positions when the market falls. Although this strategy seems simple, it can effectively avoid the costs and risks brought by frequent transactions, while enjoying the long-term growth of the cryptocurrency market.

Self-awareness and mentality management: Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and mentality management

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