Fresh Start - Starting Over

Ladies And Gentlemen is the hardest long piece to read. But unfortunately, you cannot express some things in short writing, and the other way to gain some knowledge and experience without experiencing it is to read and watch. A quote from a close friend of mine came to my mind: "There is no greater stupidity than confirming other people's experiences by living them." It's easy to say and sounds logical, but it's impossible to implement. Every individual thinks he is different and special. Even if he does the same things, he expects different results. This is human nature. #btc

Today I will talk about two different topics: one is starting over, which is very difficult, and the other is starting over, which is more difficult. What makes starting over difficult is primarily losses. It doesn't start from zero, it starts from minus. He is hurt and cannot act as bravely as a beginner. They lost all their money in a coin, stock market or futures transaction. And again, he comes back because his nature says he will succeed this time, to take revenge for the loss, or because he believes in #Crypto.

A returnee first focuses on regaining the money he lost. It is the biggest mistake. What is lost is lost. The greatest success of a person whose goal is to recover the money he lost, if he can succeed, would be to save his money. Do not set simple or impossible goals for yourself. Make the most extreme point of your attainable goals your goal. My goal is to make my house 35 x. There are people who say, "Isn't this easy?" It's not the same as your safe making 35 x and the coin you bought making 35 x. You can never buy at the bottom and sell at the top unless you are a whale. To those who say that a good trader can catch this, let me tell you in advance that a good trader does not buy at the bottom, wait for 1 year and sell at the top, then he is not a trader, he is already a knowledgeable investor. :) Traders exit trades during corrections.

Those who are just starting out with someone who is truly knowledgeable in the market are lucky. He who enters with only a little knowledge is unfortunate. Because if you got into this business with someone's nudging, you will progress as much as they tell you in the first months. If something is wrong inside, he can tell you: Buy Avax, it was 50 dollars when I bought it, now if I had 12 dollars, I would buy it from here again, literally for free. That's the only idea it can give you. Don't do this, search your own way. I watched 30 hours of videos and read pages of articles just to understand the Fibonacci indicator well. Then I realized that this was unnecessary and that it would be enough if I watched 5-10 minutes of videos from a few traders on how to handle Fibonacci values. This means experience is useless knowledge. There's no need to fantasize. Just learn the system. So I want to tell you this. You don't need to go all the way down to 'how to write blockchain codes'. Learn the basics, then focus on the working logic of the indicators and the meaning of their values. Knowing jargon words will not make you rich. The man who speaks two jargon words is not a good trader but a good student. You can understand that he is a good trader by looking at the profits he receives from his transactions. Long story short, do not enter into the market without researching. Don't overdo the research either. And don't forget to follow and hit the like button. I can see how many people saw what I wrote, but I need to understand how many people read it and liked it 😀 I love you, I'm glad to have you 🥰🥰🥰🐢