At present, in addition to the impressive selling pressure of 2.5 billion bitcoins in Mentougou, there is also an undercurrent in the United States. This week, 600 million bitcoins were quietly transferred to Coinbase for sale, which caused widespread speculation and anxiety in the market. Some people tried to downplay its impact in the name of "custody", but on closer thought, these bitcoins had been lying safely in their own wallets for ten years. Why are they eager to transfer them to the exchange at this time? And this kind of operation is not the first time, and each time it involves a huge amount. In addition, the selling tide in Germany and Mentougou has undoubtedly made this round of the currency circle cycle more bumpy.

Against this background, I am more and more convinced that if President Trump can return, it may bring a turnaround to the market. He made it clear during his term that the United States would not only not sell bitcoins, but would intend to include them in its strategic reserves. If this promise can be fulfilled, it will undoubtedly be another powerful engine to promote the development of the currency circle. Its influence may be comparable to the launch of ETFs, becoming the second major positive factor in this cycle.

Therefore, all investors need to pay close attention, especially the upcoming bipartisan debate in October. History has witnessed such a moment before - the market surged by 30% after the last debate. In view of this, I suggest that we should start planning from September in order to seize the market opportunities that may come.

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