The United States has officially announced its decision to raise interest rates!

This news was like thunder, instantly setting off huge waves on the global economic map. Just imagine, if the U.S. interest rate suddenly jumps from 5% to 6%, but my country still adheres to the 3% interest rate defense line, this sharp 2% interest rate differential will undoubtedly become a magnet that attracts the attention of global investors. The consequence will inevitably be the rise of a rush to buy U.S. dollar assets, while the RMB may fall into a whirlpool of being sold off and face depreciation difficulties, and its international purchasing power will also be weakened. The impact will be far-reaching and difficult to estimate.

This change is tantamount to a sudden storm for core asset markets such as the domestic stock market and property market. Investor confidence may be severely damaged, market volatility will intensify, and asset values ​​will face revaluation. At present, the market trend has been clearly revealed: although investors have high hopes for high rental returns, the reality is that there is a significant gap in investment returns, which makes people have to face up to its seriousness.

Against this background, calls for interest rate cuts have become increasingly louder and seem to have become an inevitable choice to relieve pressure. Cutting interest rates, as a reverse operation of raising interest rates, aims to reduce the pressure on RMB outflows, provide support for asset prices, and may even open a window for revaluation. At the same time, this is also seen as an opportunity for the real estate market bubble to gradually release.

However, the road to interest rate reduction is not a smooth road. It requires policymakers to possess a high degree of wisdom and precise judgment to find the best balance between stabilizing the overall economic situation and alleviating market pressure. For the majority of investors, they need to keep a clear mind, analyze rationally, not be tempted by short-term interests, and examine the changing market situation from a long-term perspective.

Friends, the storm in the financial market is already gathering momentum. We must be fully prepared, closely track market dynamics, and adjust our strategies flexibly. In this war without gunpowder, only with keen insight and decisive decision-making can we be proud of the world and win the final victory. #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落