I have been interested in cryptocurrencies for about 8 years and in this process I have earned and lost more than $1M!

When I first entered this market, I did not have 1 TL to invest in the market. However, by spending time here, I earned enough money and gained experience to make houses, cars, and real investments from scratch.

I published a free training series in spite of those who sell you education for money. I have been doing this job for years without asking anyone for money and with love.

First of all, I ask you to vote for us from my profile.

Buradan oy verebilirsiniz

If you really want to make money in this sector, you should act with your own knowledge and experience instead of listening to people. Instead of buying ready-made coins, you should reach the information that will find those coins. You may earn $10 with someone's advice, but you earn millions with your own experience.

I have made my biggest earnings in the following order;

1. Airdrops

You can really earn serious money with airdrops. However, you need to spend time with the right moves for the right airdrops. You should spend your time on quality ones, not those who deceive with promises of high profits. There was almost no one who could not earn an average of $50,000 per year in this way.

Although the earnings have decreased recently due to the bad market and the increasing demand for airdrops, very high amounts of money are still being earned.


Even if you seem to be profitable while trading in the short term, you are actually at a loss at the end of the day. Why? Because when you sell the coin you bought for $100 for $150 and enter to make more profit from another coin this time, the one you sell may increase more. The one you buy may decrease, etc., and in the end, you always end up with either a loss or less profit.

I lost everything except $BNB during the first bull period while trading. The only coin I never touched was BNB, and I sold the coins I collected such as $2, $15, $27 for $600.

These 2 items are the most important items for now.Stay tuned...