The second Notcoin is here, family ❤️

Tokenomics of $DOGS🐶

Total supply of DOGS in $: 550,000,000,000

🥷 81.5% goes to the community (no lock, of course):

- 73% for you, Telegram OG, who earned DOGS in the app

- The rest is allocated for merchant rewards, creators, and future community members.

😎 10% is allocated to the team and future development, with the majority on a 12-month vesting period.

🤑 8.5% is reserved for liquidity on CEX and DEX, and for listing-related events.

$DOGS is a meme, a community token, born on VK and Telegram, and will soon belong to the people.

In the coming weeks, we will introduce an exciting new aspect of DOGS: meme stickers that can be created and traded on-chain. And yes, all of this is for $DOGS, of course.

Don't forget to vote for me, friends.

Please vote for me to bring home the Creator AWARDS trophy 🏆

I will be truly grateful for the rest of my life.

🚨Click on my photo to go to my page and press VOTE.


