In the current cryptocurrency circle, how many people still remember Brother 480,000? He once bought 100 bitcoins with 480,000 yuan and live-streamed his trading process on Baidu Bitcoin Post Bar. However, on the eve of the cryptocurrency wealth explosion, he chose to sell and missed out on the potential wealth of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. This story is both sad and inspiring and full of lessons.

1. The starting line of 480,000 brothers

Although we don't know 480,000's real name, we can get a basic understanding of him from his comments on Tieba. He is an ordinary office worker with a supportive wife and a lovely daughter. The couple has saved money for seven or eight years and plans to buy a house. He is interested in Bitcoin, although he doesn't know much about this field. He is an impulsive and determined person with the courage and determination of a gambler.

2. The journey of 480,000 brothers

After posting the live broadcast, 480,000 began his long and tortuous journey in the world of Bitcoin. He experienced the fluctuations in Bitcoin prices, as well as the ups and downs and challenges of his own mentality. He had experienced joy and struggled with sadness; he had persisted and wavered; he had made profits and also suffered losses. The following are some of his representative remarks in the forum:

- February 7, 2014: "Bitcoin prices fell sharply today, from more than 5,600 yuan to more than 4,800 yuan. I still don't want to sell, I believe it will go back up." (The highest price of the day was 5,636 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,800 yuan)

- February 12, 2014: "Bitcoin rose slightly today, from more than 4,500 yuan to more than 4,700 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will rise more." (The highest price of the day was 4,720 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,500 yuan)

- February 15, 2014: "Bitcoin fell slightly again today, from more than 4,700 yuan to more than 4,600 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will rebound." (The highest price of the day was 4,719 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,600 yuan)

- February 22, 2014: "Bitcoin has risen significantly today, from more than 4,600 yuan to more than 5,000 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will rise even higher." (The highest price of the day was 5,028 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,601 yuan)

- February 25, 2014: "Bitcoin fell sharply today, from more than 5,000 yuan to more than 4,000 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will stop falling." (The highest price of the day was 5,019 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,000 yuan)

- March 3, 2014: "Bitcoin has risen significantly today, from more than 4,000 yuan to more than 4,400 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will break through 5,000." (The highest price of the day was 4,439 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,001 yuan)

- March 4, 2014: "Bitcoin rose even more today, from more than 4,400 yuan to more than 4,900 yuan. I still don't want to sell, I believe it will break through 6,000." (The highest price of the day was 4,919 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,438 yuan)

- April 4, 2014: "Bitcoin fell slightly today, from more than 4,900 yuan to more than 4,800 yuan. I still don't want to sell it, I believe it will break through 7,000." (The highest price of the day was 4,918 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,801 yuan)

- April 26, 2014: "Bitcoin fell sharply today, from more than 4,800 yuan to more than 4,200 yuan. I have lost confidence and feel like a failure." (The highest price of the day was 4,801 yuan, and the lowest price was 4,201 yuan)

From these remarks, we can see that Brother 480,000 has always remained optimistic and determined in the process of investing in Bitcoin. He believes that the price fluctuations of Bitcoin are temporary and the price will continue to rise. He firmly believes that his investment will bring returns. However, in this process, he has also encountered many difficulties and challenges. He not only has to deal with market risks, but also family pressure and doubts. He not only has to bear asset losses, but also psychological pain. He not only has to face the ridicule of the outside world, but also the contradictions in his heart.

Brother 480,000 also revealed some of his personal situations in the forum. He said that he did not tell his wife that he bought Bitcoin, but lied that he saved the money. He said that every time he saw the price of Bitcoin fall, he felt like he was going to collapse. He said that every time he heard his wife say that she wanted to buy a house, he felt like he was going to die. He said that every time he saw his daughter's cute smile, he felt like he was going to cry.

In the process of speculating in cryptocurrencies, Brother 480,000 did not get the support and understanding of his family, but brought a lot of pain and trouble to his family. His wife never knew that he used the house money to buy Bitcoin, but was deceived and concealed by him. His daughter has never had a stable and warm home, but was neglected and ignored by him. His parents have never had a son who can feel at ease and at ease, but have been dragged down and worried by him. Brother 480,000 also lamented in the forum that he felt sorry for his family. He said that he wanted to give his family a good life, but pushed his family into the abyss. $BTC $ETH $BNB

3. The End of Brother 480,000

After buying Bitcoin, 480,000 has always adhered to his beliefs and goals and has never sold a single Bitcoin. He has also been updating his trading situation in the forum and sharing his joys and sorrows with other users. However, on May 6, 2014, this post suddenly stopped updating. From that day on, 480,000 has never appeared in the forum again. What happened to him? Where did he go? Did he sell it? These questions have been bothering other users in the forum.

Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have chosen suicide or escape because he could not bear the pressure of the continuous decline in Bitcoin prices. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have chosen to divorce or break up because his wife found out that he bought Bitcoin and could not face his family. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have realized a profit due to the rebound in Bitcoin prices, so he chose to sell or disappear. Some people speculate that Brother 480,000 may have chosen to give up or transfer because he could not continue to speculate in Bitcoin for other reasons.

However, these are just speculations, without any evidence or clues. Brother 480,000 disappeared from the forum like a mystery. He left behind an unfinished story and a question that can never be answered: If he had not sold his Bitcoin, what would he be like now?

IV. The influence and enlightenment of 480,000 brothers

The story of Brother 480,000 caused a sensation in the forum, became a good story in the cryptocurrency circle, and became popular on the Internet. He became a legendary figure and also an educational case. He brought us a lot of influence and enlightenment. We can summarize it from the following aspects:

‱ Impact on investors. The story of 480,000 provides investors with a vivid and real example, allowing investors to see the scenery and risks of the cryptocurrency market, and also allows investors to see their own strengths and weaknesses. Investors can learn some investment knowledge and skills from 480,000, and can also reflect on some investment mentality and principles from 480,000. Investors can get some encouragement and motivation from 480,000, and can also get some warnings and lessons from 480,000.

‱ Impact on the market. The story of 480,000 Brother provides the market with an interesting and meaningful topic, allowing the market to see the diversity and vitality of the cryptocurrency market, and also allowing the market to see the problems and improvements of the cryptocurrency market. The market can feel some of the market's emotions and expectations from 480,000 Brother, and can also find some market opportunities and potential from 480,000 Brother. The market can learn some market experiences and lessons from 480,000 Brother, and can also be inspired by 480,000 Brother for some market innovation and development.

‱ Impact on society. The story of 480,000 provides society with an intriguing and thought-provoking story, allowing society to see the charm and challenges of the cryptocurrency society, and also allows society to see the value and responsibility of the cryptocurrency society. Society can learn from 480,000 some of the characteristics and laws of the cryptocurrency society, and can also understand some of the confusion and expectations of the cryptocurrency society from 480,000. Society can support some of the progress and contributions of the cryptocurrency society from 480,000, and can also supervise some of the risks and norms of the cryptocurrency society from 480,000.

In short, the story of 480,000 is an extraordinary story and an enlightening story. It shows us the struggle and dream of an ordinary person in the cryptocurrency market, and also shows us the failure and regret of an ordinary person in the cryptocurrency market. It provides us with a window to observe and learn about the cryptocurrency market, and also provides us with a mirror to reflect on and improve the cryptocurrency market. It has brought us some laughter and tears, as well as some thoughts and enlightenment. It is a story worth remembering and spreading, and it is also a story worth learning from and being vigilant about. It is a story that belongs to 480,000, and it is also a story that belongs to all of us.