When he was young, Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, had a very bad temper. He had no patience at all and would get angry over the slightest thing.

Sometimes the family would get together to play cards. One day after dinner, Eisenhower and his family were playing cards. On this day, Eisenhower's luck was particularly bad. The cards he got were very bad, and he gradually began to feel a little irritable.

After a while, he couldn't stand it any longer and lost his temper. He threw the cards down, left the table and walked away.

The mother standing by couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked up to Eisenhower and said, "Son, since you want to play cards, you have to play regardless of whether the cards are good or bad. Things change over time, and no one is always victorious."

The mother went on to say, "The same is true in life, except that it is God who deals the cards. No matter whether the cards you are dealt are good or bad, you have to face it. You cannot change the size or quality of the cards, but you can control your temper."

Eisenhower was convinced by his mother's words. He gradually learned to control his temper, became more proactive, made achievements, and gradually ascended to the presidency.

Remember: when you are angry, you will definitely do something wrong; when you are calm, you will be rational. Don't do impulsive things, don't do things that you will regret, and play the cards in your hand well.

So is there anything that is not affected by emotions? The answer is yes. In the past, the world was all about centralized protocols, various rules and regulations, which restricted you tightly, but this only applies to ordinary people. It is not universally binding on the rich and powerful!

In fact, this is the drawback of the web2 world. Everyone is working for the government and giants, and most of the value created is exploited!

The DeFi and Web3 that have been very popular in the past two years have given us new inspiration. Through decentralized protocols and the tamper-proof characteristics of the chain, the resources and value on the chain will be reasonably and fairly distributed to these Web3 creators and contributors!

So web3 is fair to us!

The wealth opportunities for the new generation of young people should be more in the decentralized world of web3 and defi. If you still stay in the web2 mindset, then you may miss another era in the next 10-15 years!
