Written by: TechFlow

Unequal distribution is a long-standing challenge faced by human society, and in the crypto world, this phenomenon is also common. The crypto world, once highly anticipated, is now gradually evolving into a new "Matthew effect" game.

Looking back at the development of the crypto world, at the beginning of Bitcoin, everyone seemed to have equal opportunities to mine. However, with the emergence of ASIC mining machines and large mining farms, mining quickly became professionalized and industrialized, and ordinary miners were quickly eliminated. In the following decade of development, whether it was the prosperity of DeFi brought about by the emergence of ICO or smart contracts, or GameFi, NFT, inscriptions, etc.... Every time an innovative way of wealth distribution seems to be short-lived, a "universal" market appears briefly, but in the end it still cannot escape the fate of being dominated by big funds.

Not only staking, but even seemingly "fair" distribution methods such as on-chain IPOs and lottery draws have become exclusive games for big players. The rules for winning are no longer diligence, opportunity and hard work, but naked chip crushing.

Faced with an increasingly chaotic environment, the gamified asset issuance protocol Cellula has proposed a refreshing idea: combining the fairness principle of Bitcoin mining with modern gamification mechanisms to create a new way of asset distribution.

In April this year, Cellula, incubated in Binance Labs, announced the completion of a $2 million Pre-Seed round of financing led by OKX Ventures and SevenX Ventures, with participation from Mask Network, Foresight Ventures and other institutions.

This article will explore in depth how Cellula, which has received support from many outstanding institutions, achieves fair asset distribution and liquidity guidance through a unique vPoW+ gamified mining mechanism and sophisticated economic model design, changing people’s perception of asset distribution in the crypto world.

From PoW to vPoW, taking fair distribution one step further

The first thing to be clear is that although games are used as an entry point for innovating asset distribution, Cellula itself is not limited to a single chain game, but a Programmable Incentive Layer.

As mentioned earlier, Cellula reintroduces Bitcoin's Proof of Work (PoW) into the EVM-compatible network, and creates a new paradigm for asset allocation and liquidity distribution guidance through a permissionless virtual proof of work (vPoW) combined with a competitive gamified issuance method (BitLife), which also makes Cellula unique from other crypto platforms.

Different from Bitcoin's inflexible energy-intensive PoW mining mechanism, as an innovative programmable incentive layer, Cellula combines Conway's Game of Life, the variable interest rate GDA algorithm and game theory principles to create a dynamic, programmable incentive system vPoW.

The core of the vPoW mechanism is to virtualize the physical mining equipment in traditional PoW to create a software-simulated "virtual computing power" system. In this system, the virtual mining equipment system is called BitLife, and its mining process and status are run according to the rules of Conway's Game of Life.

BitLife's survival code within Conway's rules

Conway's Game of Life is a Turing-complete cellular automaton consisting of four Turing-complete rules. The nested evolutionary logic makes its evolutionary state determined by the initial state, without the need for further human interference.

In Cellula, Conway's Game of Life is used to simulate the genetic code of digital life on the chain. The block height plays the role of "time" in this system. As time (i.e., block height) increases, the genetic type of digital life (i.e., BitLife) continues to evolve.

From the user's perspective, each BitLife can be regarded as a virtual mining device, similar to the mining machine in the traditional PoW network. Unlike traditional mining machines, the computing power of BitLife changes dynamically based on the life cycle of the organism in the Conway Game of Life rules. The operating state of BitLife is determined by the rules of the Conway Game of Life, where the number of active cells represents the current computing power or hash rate, and each block may bring about changes in the state of BitLife.

In order to keep BitLife active, users need to "recharge" it regularly. This charging process is not only a necessary means to maintain "computing power", but also an important way for users to participate in the entire ecosystem. Each charge can be regarded as a contribution to the network and an opportunity to participate in the issuance of new assets.

To put it bluntly, "charging" is the user's mining behavior in Cellula. It is in this mining process that the consensus algorithm Analysoor introduced by Cellula plays a key role.

Consensus Algorithm Analysoor: Fairness, Fairness, and Fairness

Analysoor is the first Fair Launch protocol on Solana, and its original design is to ensure the fairness and randomness of the asset issuance process.

In the Analysoor Fair Launch model, there is no pre-sale and whitelist, no internal team allocation, and no GAS fee front-running transactions. Instead, the participation cost of each user is fixed, and each time a user initiates a "participation" operation, it is regarded as buying a fair "lottery ticket". The randomly generated hash value of the block will then serve as the basis for determining whether a transaction (lottery ticket) in the block becomes the winning transaction (winner).

Once you understand the principle of Analysoor, it is easy to understand when combining it with Cellula's vPoW mechanism:

When a user performs a charging operation on BitLife, it is equivalent to participating in an asset lottery held by Cellula. The Analysoor algorithm will extract the hash value of the latest block and add Analysoor(0,1) as a random block reward mechanism. This random number determines that the charging operation initiated by a user in the block will become the grand prize winner, thereby providing additional new asset rewards to the initiator of this transaction.

It is worth mentioning that the entry threshold for each lottery is only 5 minutes of charging time, which means that the threshold for users to participate in the lottery is extremely low, and the behavior of "chip crushing" does not apply, ensuring that any user has the same chance of winning rewards every time they charge, effectively preventing the problems of "early advantage" or "the rich get richer".

In addition, the Analysoor algorithm ensures that the electricity fee income during the new issuance period will not flow into the wallets of the project party or miners, but will all be used to add liquidity and feed back to the ecology and community, and the ecological positive flywheel will turn faster and faster.

A multi-faceted economic model

A good economic model is the core of maintaining the long-term vitality of the crypto project community. Cellula has a complete plan for this.

Cellula's economic model revolves around three core elements: $CELL tokens, BitLife, and BitCell, forming a self-sustaining economic cycle.

Various token uses

Charging Mining

Unlike traditional pre-mining or ICO, Cellula has chosen a more fair and decentralized way to distribute tokens, namely mining and minting the token $CELL through the BitLife "charging" behavior throughout the ecosystem.

At the same time, when users purchase BitLife (i.e. Cellula mining machine) and perform "charging" operations (mining), in addition to obtaining energy points with a 5-minute cycle based on the current computing power share of BitLife holders (101,962.08 energy points are generated every 5 minutes in the system), there is also a chance to obtain additional block rewards through the Analysoor Fair Launch algorithm. Since the computing power of BitLife changes dynamically with the block height, the output of mining rewards will also be adjusted accordingly.

Similar to BTC mining, users who participate in mining need to use $CELL tokens to purchase BitLife and spend a certain amount of $CELL to charge BitLife to keep mining going. The consumption mechanism of "mining coins with coins" creates a continuous demand for $CELL in the ecosystem.

Participate in staking rewards

As core assets of the Cellula ecosystem, users can stake $CELL and BitCell NFT into the Staking Pool that can only be created by BitCell NFT holders to participate in the Cellula ecosystem staking activities.

There is no limit on the amount of $CELL tokens held for staking activities. Any user can join the Staking Pool and participate in the Staking Pool collaboration: the more $CELL tokens in the Staking Pool, the higher the proportion of staking rewards obtained by the BitCell NFTs in the pool.

The $CELL token rewards received will be distributed among Staking Pool owners, BitCell NFT stakers, and $CELL token stakers based on the Staking Pool’s reward distribution plan and each Staking Pool’s specific distribution terms (determined by the Staking Pool owner).

As the project enters different stages of development, the specific use cases of $CELL will continue to improve and iterate. In the future, $CELL will play the role of an ecosystem governance token, and $CELL Holders can vote on ecosystem governance decisions. In addition, they can also participate in the Fair Launch of new assets within the Cellula ecosystem.

Early airdrop distribution

Before TGE, token users can participate in the $CELL pre-distribution in three ways:

  • Charging Mining: Mining by charging BitLife. 101,962.08 energy points are generated in the system every 5 minutes and distributed to each user according to the current computing power share of the BitLife holder.

  • Tasks and invitations: Earn Life points by completing tasks and inviting friends. Life points can be exchanged for 0.5% of the total $CELL tokens.

  • Airdrop activities: Get different shares of $CELL tokens through various joint airdrop activities (see the figure below)

Participation Guide: How to participate in Cellula mining

From the unique vPoW mechanism and the design concept of fair guidance, we can understand the fair and fun mining model of the Cellula ecosystem. So as an individual user, how can you start if you want to participate in the fair and interesting Cellula ecosystem?

Get your own BitLife

BitLife, as a virtual mining device, is the core asset of participants. There are currently three main ways to obtain BitLife: free combination, store purchase, and purchase from mining machine manufacturers. Each method has its own specific characteristics, advantages, and potential risks, and is suitable for different types of participants.

Free combination: paradise for DIY lovers

Similar to assembling your own desktop computer, players can rent BitCells from the workbench to create their own unique BitLife. Different BitCell combinations will generate different computing power curves. This means that the same expenditure will create mining machines with different mining efficiencies due to different combinations. This process requires some experimentation and strategic thinking.

Buy from the store: open market and flexible choice

If you don't want to spend time assembling your own, you can directly purchase BitLife created by other players in the in-game store. You can choose the BitLife that best suits your needs based on the computing power values ​​of different durations. All BitLife are independently priced according to the variable interest rate GDA algorithm: when BitLife is frequently minted in a short period of time, the price will rise exponentially; conversely, when BitLife is minted in large quantities and the market purchasing power is insufficient, the price will drop exponentially.

Buying from mining machine manufacturers: controlled and specialized production

Just as the development of the BTC network gave birth to professional mining machine manufacturers, Cellula also introduced the role of mining machine manufacturers into the ecosystem. Before TGE, the 3×3 genotype BitLife (a type of Cellula mining machine) will stop minting, and users who want to participate in mining can only trade BitLife in the NFT market.

At the same time, Cellula allows some users to act as mining machine manufacturers to produce 4×4 genotype BitLife by introducing a strict access mechanism (token pledge amount, community influence and other standards). The amount of BitLife that mining machine manufacturers can produce will be limited by the number of tokens they pledge, and users can then purchase BitLife from these mining machine manufacturers.

Recharge BitLife

Before TGE, the main way to charge was through BNB top-up and using another BitLife as a "battery" to charge.

Deposit using BNB

Users can choose different charging periods of 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days for the BitLife they want to recharge, with charges ranging from US$1, US$3, and US$7 respectively. Each recharge will recharge the charging progress of BitLife.

After charging, BitLife follows the vPoW mechanism, generating electricity every 5 minutes and earning energy points.

Recharge with another BitLife

Based on the underlying programmable features, BitLift itself can also be converted into a battery to provide power to another BitLift. The amount of usable power generated by each BitLift is different, and can generate up to 7 days of power.

One BitLift can only charge other BitLifts once, and once converted into a battery, the BitLift will be permanently transferred to the official address and cannot be recovered.


From the design concept of vPoW+ gamification of asset distribution to the rich mechanism of user participation model, it can be seen that Cellula is not just a simple copy and modification of Bitcoin's mining model, but based on the entire Bitcoin mining ecosystem, it has created a circulation mechanism belonging to its own ecosystem. This shows Cellula's determination to truly change the distribution model.

But as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. In this grand asset distribution innovation, whether Cellula can strike a balance between fairness and development efficiency, and balance the playability of the game and the sustainability of the economic model, needs to be measured by market recognition and the strength of user spending.

Whether this transformation from an oligopoly game to one in which everyone can participate can bring about real innovation remains to be seen.

learn more:

Cellula official website: https://www.cellula.life/

Cellula official Twitter: https://twitter.com/cellulalifegame

Game homepage: https://twitter.com/cellulalifegame

Cellula Whitepaper: https://cellulalifegame.gitbook.io/cellula