🚨 Hot crypto news! 🚨

- Over 50% of crypto ads on Facebook are scams or breach Meta policies, says ACCC 🇦🇺

- ACCC sues Meta for 'facilitating' scams using celebrity images in 2022

- Preliminary analysis: 58% of ads breached policy or were scams

- Ads using images of Dick Smith, James Packer, Chris Hemsworth, Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Mike Baird

- Scamwatch: Investment scams cost Australians the most money in 2024, with 3,456 reports and over $78 million lost

- Meta allegedly knew about the problem since 2018 but continued to show scams

- Meta took down 691 million fake accounts in Q4 2023, down from 827 million in Q3

What do you think about this situation? Comment now! 💬#CryptoNews#Blockchain #BTC