*Big News: Russia Kicks Out American Express Bank*

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On August 13, Russia made a surprise announcement: it's banning American Express Bank from doing business in the country. This move has caused a big stir in the global economy and has people talking.

Russia's decision is seen as a response to the US freezing Russian assets. This has made relations between the two countries even worse.

American Express Bank's operations in Russia have stopped suddenly, which could affect the bank's global plans.

The US now has a tough choice: impose more sanctions or try to resolve the issue diplomatically. Either way, it will add to the already complicated situation.

The world is watching closely, knowing that the outcome could have big implications for international politics and the economy.

For Russia, this move shows it's willing to defend its independence, but it also comes with risks. It might scare off foreign investors and affect Russia's standing in the global financial system.#Babylon_Mainnet_Launch #BlackRockETHOptions #SahmRule #BlackRockETHOptions #Write2Earn! $BTC $BNB $SOL