8 points you must remember in the currency circle! ! !

1. Don't change coins frequently. The bull market sectors will rotate and explode. Sooner or later, it will be your turn!

2. When all kinds of people discuss a certain currency, it is best not to touch it. This means that the currency is about to reach the top! The bull market may rise back, and 90% of the coins in the bear market may never rise back in their lifetime!

3. Don't believe anyone who says that a certain coin is a hundred times or a thousand times. Such people are either fools or they are trying to cheat you out of money!

4. Try not to touch contracts. Contract trading is extremely risky and there is a high probability that you will not survive the bull market!

5. Always stay sober and consider the profit and loss ratio yourself. If the risk is greater than the benefit, don't buy it. Only by keeping the principal can you overtake on the curve!

6. Especially for contracts, don't believe in indicators. Bull and bear market indicators will frequently fail. Those so-called winning rate indicators are just what the banker deliberately does for you to see. Once the banker stops playing, you are not far from bursting!

7. Go with the flow and have a firm belief. The cryptocurrency market is like this. Your coin may drop by 50% in one or two months, but you can earn it back in one day. The cryptocurrency market is falling and fluctuating 90% of the time, and only rising 10% of the time!

8. Why only 10% of people make money in the bull market is caused by greed, because at that time they were still fantasizing about the bull market going on!

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If you don’t know what to do in the bull market, pay attention to the homepage, ambush hot currencies, contract passwords, free sharing !!! $BANANA