### "Trump and Musk's X Space: A Missed Opportunity for Crypto?"

In a highly anticipated interview on X (formerly Twitter) between Donald Trump and Elon Musk, many were surprised by the notable absence of any discussion on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. Speculation had been rife, with bettors at one point assigning over a 60% chance that Trump would bring up digital assets during the conversation. However, as the interview progressed, it became clear that crypto would not be on the agenda.

The omission of cryptocurrency from such a high-profile discussion is intriguing, given the ongoing buzz around digital assets. Trump's views on Bitcoin have been mixed; he has previously referred to it as a "scam" while also acknowledging its growing popularity. Musk, on the other hand, has been a vocal advocate for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Dogecoin, often influencing market trends with his tweets.

The expectation that these two influential figures might address the future of digital assets speaks to the increasing importance of crypto in the global financial landscape. The fact that it went unmentioned may leave many wondering whether it was a strategic choice or simply an oversight.

For those invested in the crypto space, the lack of discussion may feel like a missed opportunity. However, it also highlights the unpredictable nature of conversations between powerful personalities like Trump and Musk, where the topics of focus can shift rapidly, leaving even the most seasoned speculators guessing.

As crypto continues to gain mainstream attention, future discussions involving key figures will undoubtedly return to the subject. For now, though, the absence of crypto talk in this particular X Space leaves us pondering what might have been.
