Current Price: 0.055

Recent Low: 0.052

Recent High: 0.059

Trend: Bullish


- RSI (14): 65.0 (Bullish)

- MACD: 0.002 (Bullish)

- Bollinger Bands: 0.053 (Middle Band), 0.049 (Lower Band), 0.061 (Upper Band)


PEOPLE is currently trading above its recent low, indicating a bullish trend. The RSI is at 65.0, which suggests that the market is overbought, but still has room for growth. The MACD is at 0.002, indicating a strong bullish momentum.

The Bollinger Bands are expanding, with the price trading above the middle band. This suggests increasing volatility and a potential breakout.

Support and Resistance:

- Support: 0.053 (Middle Bollinger Band)

- Resistance: 0.061 (Upper Bollinger Band)

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