📈#Bitcoinis more volatile on weekends since the introduction of direct ETF trading, according to Kaiko Research.

- 12/8 report: BTC liquidity is concentrated on weekdays, especially BTC-USD pair.

- Weekend trading has decreased since 2021, but the risk of weekend price volatility has increased.

- Recent major sell-off (5/8): BTC falls below $50,000, liquidity fragmented, price differences between exchanges.

💡 Crypto market operates 24/7, weekend sell-off increases volatility, affects prices.

- $100,000 BTC sell order on 5/8: Large price slide on exchanges, BTC/yen pair on Zaif slides 5.53%, BTC/euro on KuCoin nearly 5.5%.

- 11 Bitcoin ETFs in the US have attracted $17.3 billion since January, accounting for 4.7% of BTC supply.

📊 What do you think about BTC's weekend price action? Share your thoughts! 💬#Crypto#Blockchain#Finance#Tech #BTC