⚔️Bitcoin’s Battle: Is $60K Support Crumbling Beneath Our Feet?🧨💥

Bitcoin’s wild ride is like a rollercoaster where the tracks keep getting steeper. Each time Bitcoin takes a dive, it struggles more to climb back to its previous heights, and people are quicker to hit the sell button.

After that epic run to $70K, investors got jittery, especially when crypto “experts” started throwing around numbers like $100K or even a million.

In the last cycle, Bitcoin soared from $38K to $73K in just 50 days, then took only 20 days to jump from $56K to $72K.

Back then, everyone was calm, and it quickly bounced back. But after it crashed from $72K to $53K, fear took over. It took 24 days just to scrape back to $70K, and then, boom another massive sell-off sent it tumbling to $49K.

This time it may take a month or more.

The once solid $60K support? It’s as fragile as a sandcastle at high tide. Now, the big question is, where’s the new bottom? $60K? $56K? $49K? Or are we heading back to the $30Ks? No one really knows not even the so called “professors” of crypto. So, if you’re trading, whether it’s spot or futures, you’ve got to decide for yourself where to draw the line.

Good luck, and hang on tight!

#BTC #CryptoMarketMoves #MarketDownturn