How to do trend orders?

1. Change from small to large according to the cycle changes

2. Move stop loss and reduce positions

Cycle changes:

Just like the short position on 6.25, 1h level trading, if the key position 5.95 is not broken, you need to reduce your position, and if it falls back here again, add it back. [So after the short position on 6.25, this morning will continue to put pressure on 5.9, the target is 5.75, the structure below is not broken, the trend is not established, and continue to reduce positions]

Moving stop loss and reducing positions are the only way to hold the order

According to the changes in the cycle, make a rebound at different positions, lock in profits, and make range bands

Continue to see the position of the next cycle after the structure breaks

There is no order that will definitely rise or fall sharply in the future once it is opened, they are all jumping gods