In the article "What else can we do in this round besides Bitcoin SOL? The track that meets this standard will inevitably explode", I left a question, what is the track that meets the six standards of breaking the circle and bringing in new traffic? Many partners left messages, some said MEME, DEFI, and some said GAMEFI.

Today I’m going to talk about the track that I think is most likely to explode in this round.

Let me first give you the conclusion. No more pretense. Let’s be frank. It’s blockchain gaming.

Readers who often watch my channel may feel that I talk about my business every other sentence, as if blockchain games are the only thing in my eyes this time. Because I am fully committed to blockchain games, the good business is blockchain games, online mining is also blockchain games, and breaking the circle is blockchain games.

Don’t rush to criticize me. This article will objectively and rationally analyze why blockchain games are the track most likely to explode in this round. They shoulder the heavy responsibility of breaking the circle of the industry and verify whether the world needs blockchain applications besides Bitcoin.

First of all, if there is no new money in the cryptocurrency circle, it may really dry up. Innovation is weak, narratives are exhausted, and applications are still flowers in the water. Various project parties are scrambling for leeks and cutting leeks. If anyone is more merciful, has a bigger picture, and cuts leeks later, I am afraid there will be no leek boxes to eat.

Next, let’s briefly review the six criteria for bringing in new traffic:

1. The scenarios are clear and simple, and the education cost is low;

2. Traditional industries have pain points and need to be changed urgently;

3. The WEB3 track can solve the pain points of traditional industries;

4. The money-making effect is considerable;

5. The spending scenario is strong and it is easy to generate consumers;

6. There are natural traffic ports.

If you agree with the above standards, then we can compare the current blockchain games one by one.

First, the game scene is simple enough to be understood once explained. Some people say, “I don’t even play games, I’m just a gaming idiot. Games are so complicated nowadays, how can you say the cost of education is low?” The actual situation is that there are more than 3 billion game players in the world.

You may say, but the cost of WEB3 education is high, including creating wallets, transferring money, KYC, OTC, and cross-chain. The current situation is that WEB3 infrastructure has made it possible to log in and pay with one click using any social account, and then immerse yourself in the game until you want to withdraw money and leave, then there will be a fool-proof teaching link, and after completing this link, web3 has added another user.

Second, the traditional game industry has also experienced operational exhaustion. From the earliest sale of game versions to the later opening of memberships and letting players spend money, these aspects have reached the extreme, and there is no longer any innovation in the profit model. WEB3 has allowed the traditional game industry to find an antidote for asset securitization and asset financialization. In simple terms, as a store, you can only collect money for an equipment, but with financial expectations, the income from this equipment can advance future cash flow in advance, and you can get several times more income than just doing business.

Third, WEB3 can solve the pain points of the traditional game industry, which have been described above. Now the only point to be improved is playability. As long as the game can reach a level no less than that of WEB2 games, the web3 token model can realize value redistribution, obtain stronger money-making ability, and time can flow more freely to become cash value. The project party can achieve rapid listing by replacing stocks with tokens. The playability of chain games is at the critical point of attracting traditional players. With an investment of more than 30 million US dollars, any chain game can be as attractive as traditional games. I am not sure whether this round of bull market can be realized, but I have seen signs of several games, not to mention compared with Zha Zha Hui in the last round of bull market.

Fourth, the money-making effect is considerable. This is the characteristic of WEB3. Everyone enters WEB3 to reshape the value distribution. To put it bluntly, the poor can become rich and reshuffle the cards.

Originally, all tracks in WEB3 had money-making effects. The copycats rose dozens of times, and the quantitative annualized rate of 80% was not enough, because the annualized rate of DEFI was as high as tens of thousands of percent. But in this round of bull market, these money-making effects will no longer exist. Because the dream of waiting for the rise of the big cake to spill over to their own tracks has been shattered, each track must be self-reliant and go out to sell by themselves. Therefore, whether it is the formation of a mining machine Ponzi model, allowing a continuous influx of traditional funds, or a large number of retail players who play chain games, they can not only live better in such a poor employment environment, but also play games at home with confidence. How can this not break the circle? You must know that Fantasy Westward Journey has not been disbanded for ten years because many people can rely on this game to earn living expenses. Chain games are simply the choice of making money, with double happiness in playability and profitability. Many people who have played chain games feel that they can never go back to traditional games.

Fifth, the spending scenario is strong, and games are the only track. Because traditional games have formed a habit of paying, players spend money to experience a more enjoyable experience. Thinking more deeply, why is it so easy to collect money from games? Because as long as it involves a "pleasant" experience, humans can't stop.

There are different levels of “enjoyment”. The shallow level of experience includes jokes, food, teasing, praise, watching the excitement, and even horror (this is why many girls like to watch horror movies); the medium level of experience includes smoking, games, and plastic surgery; the deep level of experience includes sex, opium, gambling, and drugs, which are commonly known as pornography, gambling, and drugs. Games cannot be compared with drugs, but they are also a healthy “drug”.

Let me ask you, which track can be compared with games? You say that contract making is also gambling? Yes, but sorry, these spinach-like things can also be incorporated into games.

Sixth, natural traffic ports. Each track in WEB3 has its own unique capabilities. Social media can easily generate hundreds of millions of traffic, but it currently does not meet the above five criteria and lacks products that attract traditional users and convert users. Therefore, blockchain games + social platforms can be a perfect direction, which also explains why the recent TON mini-game has exploded.

Many game manufacturers can enter the market directly with their original IP halo and massive users, which undoubtedly far exceeds other tracks. Other tracks often say that they have so many potential traditional users, but they do not have the ability to solve traditional rigid demand problems.

If a project in the blockchain gaming sector has also used traditional gaming experience to acquire hundreds of thousands of customers, then that would be an even better deal.

To sum up, do you think blockchain games are most likely to have the ability to attract new traffic in this bull market and are most likely to explode? Your rebuttal is also welcome.

Of course, blockchain gaming is not the only one. If I were to choose a second place, it would probably be DEFI, as well as payment services and gambling. Other tracks are still far from breaking the circle. Of course, we also need to keep observing whether there are new developments in each track.

But the standards are there, and projects must rely on themselves to break the circle and attract traffic. In this bull market, there can be no construction without destruction.