In the dating market, boys are also very realistic. Just now, a female master's degree holder born in 1992 was rejected. The girl said that she had not thought about anything else since graduation, and she just worked hard. Finally, she saved enough for the down payment and bought a house last year. Now, she has an annual salary of about 45, a house and a car, and is also a middle-level manager in the company. He fell in love with a boy born in 1990, who is 1.78 meters tall, has a master's degree, earns more than 50, is a new Shanghainese, and has also bought a house in Jing'an District. The girl originally thought that the two of them were quite a match, but she didn't expect the boy to politely refuse. The girl was stunned, thinking that her conditions were not bad, so why couldn't he consider it? The boy told me that he wanted to find a girl born in 1995. He didn't have much requirements for the girl's income, but a stable job would be good. The family conditions didn't need to be too good, just an ordinary native family would be fine, and a college degree or above would be fine, and there was no need to have a house. Do you think the boy's ideas are realistic?

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