Like any regulated financial platform, Binance requires its users in Europe to declare their assets. Reactions to this requirement have varied, ranging from incomprehension to accusations of extreme surveillance. However, this measure is essential to comply with regulations, but it is also widely misunderstood by those who criticize Binance for unfounded reasons.

Why the Declaration of Assets is Mandatory

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Financial regulators in Europe, such as the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in France or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, impose strict obligations on platforms wishing to operate legally. Asset declarations are part of these obligations, aimed at preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities.

  • Compliance with European Regulations:

    In Europe, trading platforms, whether traditional or crypto-based, must comply with strict regulations. These regulations include KYC (Know Your Customer) and verification of the origin of funds. The declaration of assets is a natural extension of these rules, ensuring that the funds used on the platform come from legitimate sources.

  • Preventing Illegal Activities:

    The asset declaration helps platforms like Binance ensure that the funds deposited do not come from dubious sources. This protects not only the platform itself, but also all of its users from the risks of being involved, even indirectly, in criminal activities.

Criticism: Unfounded Arguments

Some critics argue that the asset declaration is an excessive intrusion into users' privacy. These criticisms are often fueled by misunderstandings or deliberate misinformation.

  • Comparison with Traditional Platforms:
    An argument often made is that traditional trading platforms don’t require such declarations. However, this is simply not true. Regulated financial platforms, whether traditional or crypto, are all required to verify the origin of their clients’ funds. If a traditional platform doesn’t ask you for this information explicitly, it’s probably because they already have the necessary data via your bank or other financial institutions.

  • Exaggerated Surveillance Accusations:
    Some influencers, often critical of regulators, accuse Binance of playing a role in excessive surveillance of its users. It is important to note that these accusations often come from people with vested interests in promoting unregulated platforms. These platforms not only escape regulation, but are also more likely to suddenly shut down, taking users’ funds with them.Recent examples include BitConnect and QuadrigaCX, where thousands of investors lost their funds overnight.

Unregulated Platforms: A High Risk

By choosing an unregulated platform, users are taking a considerable risk. These platforms are not subject to any oversight, making them vulnerable to fraud and unexpected closures. Unlike Binance, which complies with regulations to ensure its sustainability, these platforms can disappear overnight, leaving investors with no recourse.

The Declaration of Assets: A Common and Essential Practice

It is also essential to emphasize that the declaration of assets is not a practice exclusive to Binance or crypto platforms. Traditional banks also ask their clients for information about their assets. Every year, they can invite you to update this information. If they do not do so, it is because they already have the necessary data through other channels.

  1. A Requirement to Stay Compliant: For a regulated platform like Binance, the asset declaration is a requirement that must be fulfilled to stay compliant with European regulations. By completing this declaration, users contribute to the security and legitimacy of the platform, thus ensuring a safer trading environment.

  2. A Non-Intrusive Practice: Contrary to what some might think, the declaration of assets is not as intrusive as it seems. It does not aim to expose your entire wealth, but simply to verify that the funds used on the platform come from legitimate sources. This is a standard approach in the world of finance, whether it is cryptocurrencies or traditional currencies.

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

The asset declaration on Binance in Europe is neither an excessive intrusion nor an unnecessary measure. It is a regulatory requirement that aims to protect all users by ensuring the transparency and legitimacy of the funds exchanged. Those who criticize this practice often do so out of a lack of understanding or to promote unregulated, riskier platforms. In reality, this declaration is a necessary step for Binance to continue to offer a safe and regulatory-compliant service, thus ensuring its sustainability in the market.

This article aims to clarify why asset declaration is an essential step for Binance users in Europe, while refuting the unfounded criticisms circulating on this topic. Please note that this article does not constitute financial advice.

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