After the big cake hit the high, it went sideways. Wait patiently for the market outlook

Yesterday, after BTC hit 62750 and exploded most of the short orders, it did not fall sharply, but fluctuated around 60500 within 1000 dollars. It seems that the dealer is going to make a big move this time. There is no liquidity on the weekend. The dealer will definitely not choose to flee on the weekend for this wave of profit. We need to pay close attention to the market next week.

In yesterday's analysis, 59300 was the intraday support level. Unfortunately, the lowest correction yesterday was around 59530, which was about 200 dollars less. It was a pity that it was not received, otherwise it could have made a small profit.

Back to today's analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is a sideways trend, but it has a little upward meaning. The 4-hour level is also a sideways trend, but the trend is downward. In 12 hours, the daily level is an upward trend, with an intraday pressure level of 62800 and a support level of 59240.