Binance web3 wallet StarryNift airdrop query, CARV airdrop continues!

1. StarryNift airdrop query of a certain web3 front package:

web3 wallet -> Discover -> Exclusive airdrop -> Ended events, find starrynift.

If the share shows "-", disconnect the previous package and then reconnect it!

The airdrop of a certain An is still very good, and the probability of airdrop is very high. The key is that the probability of Shang An is even higher. The disadvantage is that it takes time to sign in.

2. If you haven’t done StarryNift, you can now do CARV, which is also an airdrop from a certain security company. Just sign in every day.


A certain security package ~ found ~ 🔍 copy the following link and open the link:

Complete the daily sign-in and complete the one-time tasks below!

3. The first re-quality duck on the Sol chain - solayer, has been favored by a certain security company!

8%+ future Solayer airdrop expectations. The biggest part of this year's airdrop is the re-quality duck. Don't miss Sol's first re-quality duck.

Solayer is the only Sol re-staking protocol on Sol, and its status is similar to Eigenlayer on Yitai. It is favored by Sol co-founder and a certain An.


To open the link in the previous package, you need an invitation code. The link comes with an invitation code: YMSJ5G:

DEPOSIT means pressure, and UNSTKE means release of pressure.


4. Wizz reaches level 30 and signs up for mining! ​

When you reach level 30, you can click the arrow below to sign up for mining! The mining rate is related to prosperity. Adding trees and other props can increase prosperity.


Wizzwoods is a pixel farm game developed by Tabi. The main goal is to upgrade the base to level 30 and then dig WIZZ!

The browser opens:

