Knowledge is wealth. Remember the following points and you will save yourself a few years of detours.

1. Bitcoin is the vane of the market. You have to look at its face.

2. Bitcoin and USDT are like a seesaw. When USDT rises, Bitcoin may fall. On the contrary, when Bitcoin rises, it is the right time to buy some USDT.

3. From 0 to 1 in the middle of the night, the market is prone to fluctuations. If you place an order at this time, you may make money the next day.

4. 6 to 8 in the morning is a critical period. If it fell the night before and it is still falling now, it may be a good time to buy and cover the position. On the contrary, if it rose the night before and is still rising now, then you should consider selling;

5. At 5 pm, coal coin friends get up and work, which may cause fluctuations in the circle, and the market is prone to big movements, so you have to keep a close eye on it;

6. Although "Black Friday" is not an iron rule, you do have to be careful about the ups and downs on Friday;

7. Don't panic if a good coin falls. Hold it patiently and you will definitely get your money back. If you have spare money, you can cover your position in batches to lower the cost and get your money back faster;

8. If you do spot trading, you can make more money by holding it for a long time than by trading frequently. For example, the Dogecoin I bought back then has now increased by more than 20 times;

9. There are several other factors that affect the currency circle: policies of various countries, coal financial policies, and the attitudes of bigwigs like Musk towards this market.