The essence of the currency circle: a quick look at the characteristics of bull and bear markets, be sure to treasure it.

Bear market: After the price pulses up, it enters a long downward channel. In the early stage, negative news was flying all over the sky, but there was an occasional price rebound; then, the value of most altcoins evaporated by more than 90% within a year, and the market was filled with pessimism. The K-line was more negative than positive, and retail investors suffered losses. Only a few potential coins can survive the cold winter and wait for the return of spring.

Bull market: In stark contrast to the bear market, prices have steadily rebounded after hitting the bottom. Although there was no lack of negative news in the early stage, positive signals gradually emerged. During this period, the prices of most currencies continued to rise, and the market activity and trading volume surged. The K-line was more positive than negative, and retail investors generally made profits, and losses became a minority.

Summary: The bear market tests real gold, and the bull market shares the feast. Grasp the trend and invest rationally, so that you can move forward steadily in the ups and downs of the currency sea.

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