Meme sector: Some tokens in the Meme sector fell by more than 30% during the day, but most of them have rebounded with the market. MIGGLES performed particularly well, rising nearly 100% from its intraday low; POPCAT rose 60% from its intraday low;

WIF rose nearly 30% from its low, and PEPE rose 25% from its low. Overall, the larger the market value of the Meme coin, the smaller the rebound, indicating that more market funds flowed to Meme coins with smaller market value.

AI sector: TAO and ARKM rose sharply, indicating that the market still has a certain degree of attention to the AI ​​sector, but Nvidia, the leader of US AI stocks, has continued to fall sharply recently, and its founder has been cashing out and leaving the market, which lacks the stimulation of market hot spots in the short-term market of the AI ​​sector.

#加密市场反弹 #美国7月非农就业增长放缓