Today, the crypto market is on an upward trend.

Yesterday's plunge caught many people off guard, and the contract exploded by several hundred million US dollars.

Those who cut their losses have already broken their thighs. The price has come back and their positions are gone.

But those who did not buy the bottom will also regret that they are not firm enough and have no faith.

Those who did not buy the bottom either did not have enough u to replenish,

or did not have enough confidence to buy the bottom,

or they were confused by the drop and did not know how to seize the opportunity.

From the first day I entered the circle,

I heard the big guys say that you must know how to manage your positions and sell at the right time.

Only with the right position can you have enough u when you want to replenish,

and only then can you have funds to seize the big market opportunities 😂

I didn't buy the bottom yesterday, and missed the opportunity of this year's plunge.

Of course, under the market sentiment yesterday, no one knew how it would go today.

The market is not easy to grasp😂

Friends who vowed yesterday that the rebound would rise, did you buy the bottom?

#加密市场反弹 #BTC