Tigran Ghambaryan Is Not Home Yet Read CoinChapter.com on Google News

NAIROBI (CoinChapter.com)— Nigerian authorities arrested Tigran Ghambaryan, Binance’s Head of Financial Crime Compliance, and Nadeem Anjarwalla on money laundering charges. They were initially invited to Nigeria to resolve a dispute but were detained upon arrival.

Nigerian authorities accuse Binance of contributing to the country’s currency devaluation and are using Ghambaryan and Anjarwalla as leverage in their conflict with the company. Despite international efforts to secure Ghambaryan’s release, he remains in detention.

Tigran Ghambaryan’s Health Concerns

Ghambaryan’s arrest has drawn criticism and concern from the crypto community and international observers. Henri Arslanian highlighted the deplorable conditions of Ghambaryan’s detention, resulting in severe health issues such as malaria and pneumonia. He emphasized the need for political intervention from the U.S. to resolve the situation.

Tigran Ghambaryan Held in Nigeria Amid Rising Tensions. Source: Henri Arslanian

CoinChapter previously reported that Ghambaryan collapsed during a court trial due to inadequate medical care. Court hearings face continuous postponements, adding to Ghambaryan’s plight. U.S. officials advocate recognizing him as a hostage, urging public attention to his case.

Urgent Need for Diplomatic Resolution

Court hearings for Tigran Ghambaryan have been continuously postponed, causing further distress. Several U.S. government officials and federal agents are pushing to recognize Ghambaryan as a hostage.

Rep. McCormick urges declaring Tigran Gambaryan hostage.

The U.S. House of Representatives has introduced a resolution, H.Res. 1348, urging the Nigerian government to release Tigran Ghambaryan immediately. The resolution emphasizes his status as a U.S. citizen and former federal agent, highlighting the need for immediate diplomatic intervention.

Efforts continue, with increasing pressure on U.S. President Joe Biden and Nigerian officials to negotiate a resolution. The case’s outcome will likely impact Nigeria’s relationship with the global crypto industry.

Comments on Change.org’s petition for Tigran Ghambaryan’s release. Source: Change.org

Supporters of Ghambaryan have rallied around petitions, calling for his release and criticizing the U.S. government’s inaction. Julie Price, a supporter, expressed frustration over the lack of intervention, urging decisive action to bring Ghambaryan home.

Another comment on Change.org’s petition for Tigran Ghambaryan’s release.

Similarly, Jo Marsh described the situation as highly illegal and criticized the need for stronger leadership. The Coalition Against Financial Crime has demanded immediate intervention by the State Department to end the injustice of his illegal detention.

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