What are the sins of trading that you have committed? Which ones have you changed?

Sin 1: I don’t study K-line systematically, I don’t understand the pattern, I don’t know how to find key points, and I don’t know how to draw key pressure support lines.

Sin 2: I always want to eat a big fat man in one bite, and I want to make tens of thousands of dollars with a single order of 10,000 dollars. I know that if there are too many small stop losses, the principal will be worn out. But I still don’t understand that if there are too many small stop profits, the principal will slowly increase.

Sin 3: I don’t know how to stop loss, I don’t know how to stop profit.

Sin 4: Frequent stop loss.

Sin 5: I use high leverage in all market conditions, and I have gradually developed the habit of high leverage.

Sin 6: In the contract, most of the cottages are made into the main subject. I don’t focus most of my energy on Bitcoin, and occasionally do cottages.

Sin 7: I have no patience and open orders for the sake of opening orders.

Eight sins: chasing long (short) during a sharp rise (fall), greed for greater profits after making a profit, and then stop loss and walk away during a rapid retracement.

Ninth sin: not reviewing. Not understanding the golden content of the eternal and unchanging human nature hidden behind the wise saying "History is always extremely similar, but each has its own differences".

Tenth sin: no independent thinking ability, long when seeing someone's rise, short when seeing a fall. #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? #JumpTrading转移资产