Thoughts for the afternoon, from the current structural point of view, in the morning, it was slightly pulled up and then touched the high of 56254 stagnation, and then the structure of the oscillation was adjusted. After touching the high of 56254, the stagnation style fell back to the 55220 line to stop the decline. The decline was also a decline. Although it was not as good as the rise, it also gave more than 1,000 points of space. In the morning, Wei Yi gave a high position to look at the decline. The big cake took more than 800 points of shorts, and the ether took more than 60 points of space.

In terms of trend, from the current structural trend, the morning style slightly pulled up to lure more, but it did not open the longs to give upwards. The upper side still gave suppression, and the current decline trend was not very strong, forming a wide range of oscillation structure trend. From the structural point of view, the operation can be short near 56300, and 56600 can be regarded as the critical point, so the market can pay attention to the upward suppression and continue to be

Big Pie idea: short around 56300, target 53000

Ether idea: short around 2550, target 2450$ETH $ETH #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析 #BTC走势分析