I #depinsimvip chose to buy it for 1 month to play around and see what’s special. Let’s not talk about the Tonkeeper recharge #ton #usdt . It’s a challenging thing for novices. The biggest headache is that the 1GB traffic agreed upon after recharging is not available, and the new sim is not available. No, the signal will never be received. I was troubled all night. Later, I finally found the service email address of @depinsim and received a reply 3 hours after I sent the email.

I raised three issues: no data, no signal, and no so-called premium eSIM.

Things come and go, and the final conclusion is this:

1. For those who joined early, the user numbers that obtained free eSIM were stopped at the end of July when the test activity ended. This is also the reason why I have no signal.

2. After I purchased the VIP package, my account should have been switched to a new official number. However, the #depinsim backend system did not match my account with the new number, which caused the problem.

3. The so-called "Premium sim" in VIP means that VIP users will get an eSIM with a country code (one of Switzerland/UK/Netherlands/USA) instead of a virtual eSIM (starting price +883). Obviously I don't have this either, but they said it's a bug in the program and the developers are working on fixing it and will let me know once it's done.

In addition, I asked what the "earn up to 5X passive mining rewards" in the membership benefits refers to. Here is a solution for everyone, that is, the profit per hour in your upper right corner will change from the original 1800 to 9000.

Summary: For those who joined early and encounter problems when purchasing VIP, don’t panic. You have not been rug. I also thought I was ruffed. The official email is hidden very deep. It took me a long time to find it. Here it is, info@depinsim.com. If you have any questions, you can write to them. I wrote it in English. Also attached is the depinsim link for friends who want to try it.


Finally, I wrote today, and the signal was restored today, and I was given a compensation plan with 1GB more traffic.

The official action is still OK. A follow-up official reply said that a tg group has been set up so that we can communicate in the future. Friends who are on #depinsim should have seen it.