Do you still remember the original dream?

Today, the currency circle is full of blood, floating bones and oars, thousands of miles away, dead silence is frozen, the sky is hazy and lightless, and the sun is bleak and dim. The hearts of all currency friends are sad, I don’t need to say more, but at this time of despair, I want to ask the currency friends: Do you still remember the original dream?

Do you remember why you came to the currency circle? When you curiously knew the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, when you searched the principle of blockchain on the Internet, when you were amazed at the magic of cryptocurrency, when you had a premonition that it would shine in the future, your belief was so firm, and today, at this time of grief, has it changed?

No, it has not changed, my friend, you are afraid!

You have also experienced or heard of those myths in the cryptocurrency circle. You have also imagined yourself falling penniless or becoming financially free overnight. Today, it has come, and it has made you doubt your life. When you experience this moment in person, those stories have come true, and your fantasy has come true. Has the cryptocurrency circle changed?

No, it has not changed, my friend, you are afraid!

At this moment, when you are desperate, disappointed, doubting yourself, and afraid, take a deep breath and ask yourself, do you still remember your original dream?

You will find that your dream is still there, and your belief is not wrong. You are just temporarily at a low point in this tide. Friends, please strengthen your belief!

Remember a simple truth, the world needs the crypto market, and capital needs the crypto market. You bravely choose this field today, not for the next month or two, but for a bright future investment.

The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the cold winter sees the withering. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish. How many people can achieve the indestructible truth?

Spot is king, don't forget your original intention, and forge ahead! Come on and hold on, fellow coin friends!