The currency circle plummeted (3 major killers): Japan raised interest rates, the US stock market collapsed, and Bitcoin plummeted!

1. First of all, Japan raised interest rates. Before, Japan had a zero interest rate, so a lot of capital went to Japan to borrow money and invested in US stocks or the Japanese stock market. Once Japan started to raise interest rates, many capital costs became higher, and they had to withdraw from the high-bubble market such as the US stock market. This is a change in the vane!

2. Although it is generally expected that the United States will start to cut interest rates in September, now 5 points of bonds, the pursuit of stable funds from the high US stocks, buy 5 points of bonds, is a very good choice. At this time, the bond interest rate will fall next month, so funds will withdraw from the US stock market and buy 5 points of US bonds. This caused the stampede of the US stock market, which has accumulated huge bubbles in recent years, so it began to fall continuously.

3. It is the uncertainty brought by the US election. Basically, the 2-3 months before the election every year are falling or fluctuating.

In short! When the election dust settles and the definite interest rate cut comes, it will eventually rise. It is a short-term phenomenon, don't worry. Each round is just a cycle that repeats itself over and over again.

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