When the first paper money was introduced, the market found it unnecessary. For a society that has been using gold and silver coins, which have a certain weight and mass and are metals, for centuries, a piece of paper, a promissory note, with numbers written on it, in exchange for a case of gold coins, seemed very meaningless. Over time, society adapted to this and banknotes were used in the financial world. Recently switched to credit card. If this was not enough, it is on the way to becoming obsolete. Now, although the society regards crypto money as unreliable, especially at the beginning, we are slowly transitioning to the world of crypto money. A moneyless society and a cryptocurrency society are pregnant with many things politically and economically. If a former businessman and US president like Donald Trump says something, it is not in vain. It is the product of a deep analysis. Countries that cannot keep up with this will suffer the fate of the once very popular NOKIA. Android phones destroyed Nokia, a leading company...