Analysis of the market in the evening of August 4, the chief began to run a normal business‼ ️

Bitcoin fell smoothly by 10,000 points📉Ethereum is about to break through the iron bottom of 2820, how to arrange it in the future⁉️

I believe that the old fans who have read my articles know that as early as the last time Ethereum hit 3500, I explained to everyone that the probability of Ethereum not breaking 2800 after 5 retracements is very, very low‼ ️

During this process, many people followed me to enter the market with short orders and waited for the market to fall below 2800 to get rich🤑🤑But doubts also came. You can see that after Ethereum hit 3500, it started a 7-day high-level shock trend. Many people are asking me, Chief, what should I do with short orders? Are you still bearish⁉️Can short orders still make money⁉️

Now the answer is here. The entry position I gave you is 3520 to 3560, and the stop-profit position I gave you is bearish to fall below 2800. Indeed, this process is very long and beyond my expectations. The market fluctuated for 7 days after we took over the short position at 3520. I was also reviewing whether my decision should be changed.

Then the fact is the truth. The truth is that after we shorted at 3520, although the decline was slow and volatile, today the market has fallen from the highest point of 3520 to 3560 to around 2800‼ ️Facts speak louder than words. Of course, I was confused in the process. I was also disturbed by the doubts from the outside world. I also took over many orders to see the rise, but now looking back, the truth is indeed only in the hands of a few people. I will not listen to any doubts from the leeks. I will only follow the truth in my heart and be a minority who makes money‼ ️

Subsequent declines Ethereum will first fall to the observation support level of 2740 to 2658👌

#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?