Understanding, Celestia - AUNT...

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To explain Celestia in an easy way, let's think briefly about the past...

1-Bitcoin was successful and so several "copies" of Bitcoin emerged with a narrative of surpassing or at least having similar performance...

2-Ethereum with smart contracts also works very well and by 2021, Smart Contract Blockchains will emerge that will surpass or have similar performance...

3-In recent years it has begun to be understood that a monolithic Blockchain system overloads the entire system and thus the idea of ​​the functioning of Blockchain divided into modules begins to emerge... and thus the term modular in crypto appears.

Celestia, leaving the technical term aside, can be said to take care of the data sector of a Blockchain. Where this service provision is not limited to its Blockchain itself or the Blockchains of the Cosmos ecosystem of which it is part... Given this, we have talk of several projects emerging and posting "Celestia underneath" that is, they will use the technology offered by Celestia to take care of the data part.

Given this, the narrative of airdrops arises for those who stake, contributing to the security of the Celestia Blockchain (Yes, Celestia is a sovereign Blockchain with its TIA token). Because Celestia Stakers contributes to its existence and functioning, so when project However, I emphasize that it is not a rule that everyone will do this way... but logic points to that.

Talking about the token $TIA , it has a "simple" tokenomics so far where it will have a maximum of 1 billion tokens... currently there is no such thing as 1 billion in circulation, this 1 billion will be reached through controlled inflation up to this ceiling .

Several things can change, part of the network fees may be burned in the future and different implementations regarding the token may arise.

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